L&R Hartley - Free CDs, DVDs and other resources

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Bedtime Routine Training Kit
Kits developed and tested
by Dr Lionel Hartley

Bedtime Routine Training Kit

This proven training kit, used extensively internationally and endorsed by Salubrity™ Seminars' "Sleep and Insomnia" Seminar, has a set of THREE specially designed re-usable large-print plastic coupons with comprehensive easy-to-understand instructions printed on the back of each card.
The Child's Bedtime Routine Training Kit teaches children an effective bedtime routine using a scientifically proven behaviour modification technique while making the experience fun and the outcome predictable. Children enjoy the assurance that they are still loved; and appreciate the development of a routine; parents enjoy both the peace-of-mind knowing their children are learning valuable life-skills and the peace-and-quiet that comes from a well-developed harmonious bed-time routine.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Building a Better Marriage

Topics include: Happiness for Two; Coping with Change; When Ideals Don’t Match; The Good, The Bad and ...; When Faults are Revealed; A Construction Kit for Development; Building Blocks for Better & Beautiful; Forever Possibilities; Question and Answer Session.
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Child Safety ID Cards

Child Safety ID Cards

Tell emergency services where they can locate you should your child become lost or injured. These cards come in a kit consisting of FIVE ready-laminated cards with a writable stick-on panel for the back. This panel may be covered in clear adhesive tape after filling it in, if desired.
Suitable also for children with disabilities.
As used in Dr Hartley's Child Protection Seminars.

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Christmas Bonanza CDROM

Christmas Bonanza CDROM

A Christmas Bonanza CD-ROM includes the following Christmas treats: Christmas story books, recipies, craft projects, Christmas software programmes, screensaver, etc; a selection of colour and B&W Christmas clipart; a large selection of Christmas music including sheet music for Christmas, Carols etc.

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Coming to Grief Resource CDROM

Coming to Grief Resource CDROM

“Coming To Grief™” is a package of grief support materials including three audio presentations: “What is Death”, “Practical Help for the Grieving” and “Children and Grief” along with other grief recovery resources, quotations, poems, stories and articles. Ideal for ministers and counsellors or for simply sharing with a bereaved friend or relative. An extremely practical addition to a card or flowers!

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Communication in Courtship & Marriage

Programme: Relationships: Enchantment & disenchantment, drifting & driving. | The Kitset courtship/kitset marriage: Guidance, governing, giving, growing, grace, and guidelines. | Impossible demands Vs inspired resolves. | Hearing & listening: The difference between hearing and listening, hindrances to listening: a problem common to men; a problem common to women. | Question time.
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Deafness Resources CDROM

Dating Safety Multimedia

Documents include Australian Young People and Domestic Violence, Boundaries in Relationships, several Dating Abuse Checklists, a selection of Dating and Domestic Violence Brochures and Posters, Healthy vs Unhealthy Relationships and various Safety Plans.
Also includes three short Videos on dating and courtship.
And information for parents and peers.

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Deafness Resources CDROM

Deafness Resources CDROM

♥ Ever wanted to use your computer for TTY?
♥ Ever wanted to learn sign language?
♥ Ever wanted to write using a sign language 'True-Type' font?
♥ Ever wanted some quotations on hearing impairment to impress your friends?
This FREE computer CDROM contains a selection of resources including an ASCII TTY/TDD (Telephone Typewriter) programme, Sign language tutorial and Flashcards, a 'True-Type" (US) sign-language font and lots of other goodies for the hearing impaired or their carers. There is no need to prove your hearing status to request this CDROM. (Some included software may only be suitable for older computers.)

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Deliverance from Deadly Depression

Program: What is Depression? | Types of Depression | What Causes Depression? | Depression and the brain | Twenty proven non-medical tools for battling depression | Medications | Question Time
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

A Revelation Seminar

In the Footsteps of John

Walking through the Book of Revelation
A 20-part multimedia seminar and workshop for those curious about the Book of Revelation. Walk alongside John and with your presenter to find out from the Bible what the Revelator means when he fills his book with symbols and graphic word pictures. We will ask of John and compare other parts of Scripture to understand what John meant when he wrote about God’s Sanctuary, The Seven Churches, Glimpses of Heaven, The Mystery of the 144,000, Omens and Warnings, End-time Plagues, Armageddon, A Leader in Chains, New Heavens/New Earth and much more. Each program will utilise a hands-on study guide and a Bible to unlock some of the mysteries and unravel the meaning behind the symbols, images and word-pictures in this truly interesting book.
Rather than primarily using commentaries, Dr Hartley uses other parts of the Bible to explain the mysteries found in The Revelation. With free printable take-home handouts at every program included on the CDROM.
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

Copyright Illustration
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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Learning to Listen

Learn to listen as if your life (or love life) depended upon it!

Practical resources to teach us how to communicate effectively, including forty easy-to-use tools for Learning to Listen. This is more than just how to listen, it is how to make and maintain healthy relationships. Great divorce-prevention strategies.
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Managing a Family Budget

Programme includes: the 'what & why' of budgeting, preparing and maintaining a family budget, cash flow and net worth statements, cost-saving ideas, etc.
Topics covered: The rationale for budgeting | How to prepare your budget | Sample budgets | How to calculate your net worth | What you should know about income & expenses | "I’ve got my budget - now what?" | What records to keep, and where | Borrowing money | Ways to save money
Complex concepts explained in a simple and practical way, with a personal workbook provided.
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Managing Stress for Success

Stride up the Steps to the Summit of Success with these Stress Management Skills - includes management of tension, personal stress, business-related stress, burnout and fatigue. With practical exercises and easy-to-read practical handouts.
Programme: What is Stress | History of Stress | Stress and Health | Stress Analysis & Progress Exercise | What is Burnout | Burnout Analysis & Progress Exercise | Coping with Burnout | Avoiding Burnout | Building Resilience | Q&A Session (optional)
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Overcoming Addictions Resource CDROM

Overcoming Addictions Resource CDROM

Videos, audios, articles, booklets, software, clipart, posters etc. with a special focus on Nicotine Addiction. This CDROM contains a selection of short movies and a host of other resources and information on helping you to quit addictions such as smoking.
Includes computer-printable signs and posters, etc.
Some included software may only be suitable for older computers.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Overcoming Anxiety

A practical seminar of coping strategies
Program: Understanding Anxiety | Anxiety and Fear | Panic & Panic Disorder | Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) | Social and specific Phobias | Post-Traumatic Stress | Fight & Flight Responses | Techniques for Overcoming | A Practical Application Utilising the Coping Strategies (e.g. Social Phobia or Public Speaking) | Optional Question & Answer Session
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Practical Skills for Coping with Grief and Loss

Not just a seminar on the grief process, this programme demonstrated practical things we can do to support the grieving whether it is others or ourselves.
Programme: The grief process | Helping a grieving friend - Part 1 "Caring" | Pitfalls to caring | Helping a grieving friend - Part 2 "Practical helps" | Self-help for the grieving | Questions and answer session (optional)
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

"Grief is not a fence that we climb over hoping the other side is greener; it is a winding tunnel that we enter, with all its associated darkness, gloom and uncertainty and our grief work is to journey forward until we see a glimmer of light at the other end; and then bravely move onward into the sunshine of a very different landscape." - Lionel Hartley
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Bigziddlezot's eBooks and Games

(Igglewatsit Bigziddlezot
is a nom de plume)
Professor Bigziddlezot

Professor Igglewatsit Bigziddlezot's
eBooks and Non-violent Games of Skill CDROM

The CDROM contains Electronic Books by Charles Dickens and Robert Louis Stevenson, plus violence-free games of skill such as Asteroids: The classic Asteroids arcade game. Control your spacecraft through an asteroid (space rocks) field and fire your lasers to destroy them. | Bricks 2000: A Tetris-style game featuring 10 skill levels, piece preview, scoring and more. | Bubble Puzzle 97: Remove all the bubbles by linking the same colour bubbles together. | Netris32: Play Tetris by yourself or against a friend across the Internet. Features include piece preview, column line up, a unique ghost mode, speed controls, level controls, penalties and more. | Free Solitaire: A collection of eight popular solitaire games including FortyThieves, FreeCell, Indian Patience, Klondike, Montana, Pyramid, Seahaven Towers and Spider. | Fyrad 32: A version of Connect Four. Take turns to place your pieces on a board. The first one to get four in a row wins. It includes seven levels of difficulty and six different computer opponents. You can also play against a friend. | Noughts and Crosses: Tic-tac-toe for one or two players. | Ultimate Cribbage: A full-featured game of Crib. It features five skill levels, automatic or manual scoring, statistics, strategy tips and hints, and more. It also supports playing friends over a network. | Yahtzee: The popular dice game suitable for beginners and experts. It includes full instructions and can be played by up to six people.
Some included software may only be suitable for older computers.

Bigziddlezot Multimedia

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Recovery from Divorce

A practical empowerment seminar for adults and children, "victims" and supporters. More than just coping strategies. Helpful also for parents, grandparents, friends, etc.
Topics: What is Divorce Recovery? | Who Are the Victims? | Who is to Blame? | Why Me (Only Me)? | Choosing Sides | Inlaws and Outlaws | Coping Skills | A Word to Parents | Stepfamilies | Resources | Optional Question Time
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

Described as "The most comprehensive, understanding and practical seminar available on this topic - the sections on children and coping skills are unique, authoritative and relevant." (LifeLine Review 2021).
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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Resolving Conflict in the Home and Workplace

A program of specific tried-and-tested tools for effectively and swiftly dealing with conflict in the home, workplace, church and community.
"Happy then are the peacemakers..."
Program: Tips and Tools for Healthy Conflict Resolution | Family Feuds: Managing Family Conflict | Dealing with Destructive Conflict: Identify and Terminate | Harnessing Constructive Conflict: Rules for Fighting Fair | Workplace Warfare: Managing On-the-Job Conflict | Unresolved Conflict: Where to From Here? | Optional Question and Answer Session
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

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Free Seminar Faciliator Kit CDROM
Seminar Facilitation Kit

Suicide Awareness

Topics include: Definitions, | Perspectives, | Trends, | Attitudes, | Myths & Facts, | Risk Factors, | Warning Signs, | Awareness & Prevention Strategies. | Optional question and answer session.

Download promo in wmv format
Facilitation Kit for DIY Seminar
Unlike the identical seminars presented by the author, in the facilitation kit the notes are written out in full with slide numbers within the text, the notes (especially any anecdotes) are written with the POV in the third person and question time is optional (the PowerPoint® has question time as an optional slide).

A facilitation kit may contain any or all of the following: a PowerPoint® presentation, printable copies of handouts and promotional display material, posters and/or flyer templates with blank panels for over-printing your own information (time, place, etc), summary outline of the seminar for advertising purposes and an audio or video of the presentation (if available) for that particular topic.

Behind this seminar we remember those we have lost to suicide and acknowledge the suffering suicide brings when it touches our lives.
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The Trinity Resource CDROM

The Trinity Resource CDROM

Topics covered: The Complex Doctrine of the Trinity | Reasons for Distinctions | God the Father - What is the Father to you? | God the Son - What is the Son to you? | God the Holy Spirit - What is the Spirit to you? | Trinitarianism | False Views of the Trinity | Subordination (Differences in Duties Within the Godhead) | The Argument for the Trinity | Biblical Evidence for Divinity | A Summary of the Trinity As Found in Different Confessions of Faith | Biblical References to the Trinity

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Some advertised items have not yet been added to this webpage. If there is something you need or want, please email us.

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Australian Business Number [ABN] 26 040 604 011