[Child Protection from Abuse and Neglect] Topics covered: Forms
of abuse/ Myths surrounding abuse/ Talking to children about abuse/ Protecting
children from abuse/ Helping an abused child/ Breaking the cycle of abuse/
Recovery from abuse and much more. (Mp3 - digitised and transferred from open
reel tape. [Dur: 90min]
[Children and Grief ] (Seminar). How separation or loss affects
different ages of children; The five stages of the grief process as specifically
applied to children; Helping a grieving child. [Dur: 25min]
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transcript and PowerPoint slides
[Children's Sermon: The Hands of an Apostle] A children's story highlighting the sacrifice Jesus paid for us. 25 Sept. 2010 Object Lesson: Picture or sculpture of Albrecht Dürer's 'Hands of an Apostle'. [Dur: 4min 15sec]
[Children's Sermon: The Power of the Holy Spirit] A children's story teaching how the Holy Spirit works in our life. 15 January 2011 Object Lesson: Balloons. [Dur: 2min 53sec]
[Children's Sermon: Tuning in to the Holy Spirit] Another children's story teaching how the Holy Spirit works in our life. 2 October 2010 Object Lesson: Portable radio. [Dur: 2min 38sec]
Debriefing] Using the acronym D.E.B.R.I.E.F., Emeritus Professor Lionel
Hartley looks at three aspects of clinical debriefing: What are its goals, How
do we go about it, and What are its limitations. [Dur: 31min]
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written transcript
[Communication in Courtship & Marriage] A condensed version of this practical seminar introducing the building blocks of communication with principles that can be applied in personal, family, social, and business situations.
[Dur: 25min]
[Conflict Resolution] A seminar of practical coping skills to
help identify potential conflict before it arises, to prepare strategies to deal
with unavoidable conflict, and to develop a systematic plan of action to ward
off avoidable conflict. [Dur: 22min]
[Drama: I Was There at Pentecost] A dramatised re-creation of what happened at Pentecost (Acts Chapter 2). 16 June 2012. [Dur: 13min]
[Dealing with Anger and
Frustration] Seminar Programme: Dictionary Definitions of Anger; Personal
Definition of Anger; Does God Get Angry? What About Us?; Causes of Anger;
Responses to Anger; Anger Aversion Tools; Question and Answer Session (Mp3 -
digitised and transferred from open reel tape. [Dur: 30min]
[Divorce: A Biblical
View] A radio broadcast by Lionel Hartley, 1977 (Mp3 - digitised and
transferred from open reel tape). [Dur: 25min]
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written transcript
[Divorce Recovery seminar Part 1] [Divorce Recovery seminar Part 2] A practical empowerment
seminar for adults and children, "victims" and supporters. More than just coping
strategies. Helpful also for parents, grandparents, friends, etc.
Topics -
Part 1: What is Divorce Recovery? Who Are the Victims? Who is to Blame? Why Me
(Only Me)? Choosing Sides; Inlaws and Outlaws; Coping Skills [Dur: 44min]
Topics - Part 2:
A Word to Parents; Stepfamilies; Resources ; Question Time. [Dur: 27min]
[God's Incredible Grace] A presentation discovering God's grace extended to the most evil man in the Bible. [Dur: 35min]
[Homosexuality] Whether it's concern, confusion,
conceding, conciliating, confessing,
confirming, conforming, convicting,
confronting, condescending, condoning,
concealing, condemning, conspiring,
controlling, considering, contradicting,
consoling, consorting, confusion, or
contemplating, many of us have strong emotional feelings in
regard to homosexuality and homosexual behaviour.
This seminar is to dispel misconceptions and present
realistic non-condemnatory helping strategies. [Dur: 38min]
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written transcript
[How To Enjoy the Bible] A radio broadcast by Lionel Hartley
with the Macquarie Symphonia conducted by Noel Clapham, 1977 (Mp3 - digitised
and transferred from open reel tape). [Dur: 19min]
[Improving Your Marriage] A
radio broadcast by Lionel Hartley, 1977 (Mp3 - digitised and transferred from
open reel tape - 43:00).
Dr Hartley has identified thirty different types of
marriages (all starting with the letter "B"). In this radio broadcast, he looks
at each type in turn and makes practical suggestions for making sour marriages
good and good marriages better. [Dur: 38min]
[Introduction to the Book of
Daniel] (Seminar) [Dur: 72min]
[Learning to Listen] A seminar: Learn to listen as if your life
(or love life) depended upon it! Practical resources to teach us how to
communicate effectively, including forty easy-to-use tools for Learning to
Listen. This is more than just how to listen, it is how to make and maintain
healthy relationships. Great divorce-prevention strategies. [Dur: 58min]
 Music Recording: [Sounds of the Barrel Organ] Lionel Hartley’s interest in organ building began in the middle of last century when he was invited to spend his school holidays working with a pipe-organ builder in New Zealand on the restoration of a church organ. From there he went on to re-build and fully restore a dilapidated old reed organ on his own. This then progressed to building barrel organs and other musical instruments from scratch. Over the years he built as many as seven working barrel organs. This recording is a compilation of pieces from one of his earlier instruments using hand-punched paper rolls. Recorded onto open reel tape in 1970, transferred to mp3 in 1999. [Dur: 47min]
[One Hundred Tools For Teachers to Build Self Esteem in Children] A
radio broadcast by Lionel Hartley for Education Week 1994 [Via
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written transcript
An historic recording of Lionel Hartley singing Panis Angelicus recorded when was he was still a boy soprano in the late 1950s or early 1960s. Backed by the Bevington pipe organ of St Michael and All Angels (Christchurch), organist Barrington Brinson, recordist L V Jessett (Akai 8-track) and digitised to mp3 in 1997. Lyrics (in Latin): "Panis Angelicus fit panis hominum; Dat panis coelicus figuris terminum. O res mirabilis! Manducat Dominum, Pauper, pauper, servus et humilis."
There are several ways of interpreting this song by Thomas Aquinas. It can be interpreted as the catholic doctrine of transubstantiation or with reference to angel's food (Psalm 78:25) or manna (Exodus 16:11-31) and the Marriage Feast of the Lamb (Revelation 19:9)
Here is how Hartley translated and understood it at the time it was sung: "Angelic bread becomes the bread of men. The heavenly bread is a figure of things to come. [It will be] a wonderful thing to eat with our Lord, with me [only] a poor, feeble, and humble servant." [Dur: 4½min]
[Practical Skills for Coping with Grief and Loss] (AKA Practical Help for the Grieving.) "Grief is not a fence that we climb over, hoping the other side is greener; it is a winding tunnel that we enter, with all its associated darkness, gloom and uncertainty and our grief work is to journey forward until we see a glimmer of light at the other end; and then bravely move onward into the sunshine of a very different landscape." Programme: The grief process; Helping a grieving friend - Part 1 "Caring"; Pitfalls to caring; Helping a grieving friend - Part 2 "Practical helps"; Self-help for the grieving; Questions and answers. [Dur: 74min]
[Relax by the Ocean] Over an hour of ambient relaxation sounds, recorded by Lionel Hartley for Red Range Radio at Cabarita Beach, New South Wales, Australia, with the approval of the Tweed Shire Council. Marketed under the 'Roads to Relaxation™' Series label, 2007. [Dur: 67min]
 YouTube video channel of 14 karaoke songs with some of Dr Hartley's barrel organs providing the backing - www.youtube.com/@BarrelOrganKaraoke/videos.
Individual song titles:
Away in a Manger;
Put Your Hand in the Hand;
O Little Town of Bethlehem;
Morning Has Broken;
Knockin' on Heaven's Door;
I Will Do Everything;
I Don't Know How to Love Him;
Blessed be the Rock of My Salvation;
Angels We Have Heard on High;
Tears In Heaven;
What a Wonderful World;
What the Lord Has Done in Me;
When the Saints Go Marching In;
Wind Beneath My Wings.
The backing music for each of these karaoke videos use one of the several Barrel Organs designed, built and played by Lionel Hartley, who also transposed the sheet music to paper rolls for these recordings.
[What is Death?] Transferred from cassette tape
to Mp3. It is the podium soundtrack of the first of
six seminars by Dr Hartley on Grief. It was recorded
before a live audience and includes a portion of the question
time that followed the seminar. (The Interactive workshop
from the program is not included on this recording.) [Dur: 41min]
[What is Death? (Question time)] A portion of the question
time that followed the above seminar. [Dur: 17min]
More to be added soon.
— N O T I C E B O A R D — |